Scientific and educational resume

Mahmood Golabchi is a full professor of the 60th grade at the Faculty of Architecture of Tehran University of Fine Arts and the founder of the Pars University. He is an author, researcher and professor in the fields of architecture and civil engineering at the Faculty of Architecture of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Technical Faculty at the University of Tehran. The titles of distinguished researcher, distinguished professor of Tehran University and Distinguished Engineer of the country are among the positions he has achieved. So far, several of his books have been selected as selected books. Establishing a master’s course in construction management is also one of his activities.
Teaching courses in the Architecture, Project and Construction Management, and Art Research in Tehran University since 1375, including courses

Evolution of building systems

Contemporary structural systems

New construction technologies

Application of computer in architectural research

Advanced research method
Teaching at the University of Leeds, England (University of Leeds, England, 1996-1993) including courses

Reinforced Concrete Structures

Pre-stressed Concrete
Teaching courses at the master’s and bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Architecture and Technical Faculty of Tehran University since 1362 until now, including courses

Strength of Materials
Theory and design of steel structures
Theory and design of reinforced concrete structures
Building systems
Advanced building systems
Cost Estimation
computer programming
The principles of sustainability of historical buildings
seminar (management workshop)
Building elements in high-tech architecture
Architectural technology project
Contemporary structural systems
Teaching master’s and bachelor’s courses at Pars University since 2013, including courses

Building systems

Construction machines

Structure for architects

Architectural design and urban planning

Basics of architectural and building engineering

Understanding the behavior of the building structure

Construction management technologies

Courses related to research methods

Techniques and materials in the history of Iranian architecture

Analysis of structures (traditional and new) and their construction methods

Architectural design and energy 2

technical design

Senior architectural plan 2

The wisdom of architecture in Iran and the wisdom of art

Interior architecture technologies

Knowing the materials and implementation details of landscaping

Contemporary structures and advanced building systems and construction methods

New building systems and new construction technologies

Architectural technology project 1

Epistemological foundations of architectural sciences in Islam and native housing compatible with the environment (climate)